Divided I’m carelessly counting my sinsthe sight of growing too old to begin.Sentenced to find the onethat is gold in a pile of nothingTo…
I’ll vomit illusions,Trick myself that i’m happy,But so much comes out of my mouth it’s burning me empty. I think my heart could receive…
The old ways always get at me,throwing myself on the floor when I’m empty.Call me I’m falling in front of a demon possessing.Making me…
Oh, dear god.we are lost.we need your guidance now.in this moment of truth, you’re our voice.we are the messengers. in this moment of truth,…
I left my head when i was homeI caught an evil side of me.I only breathe when I’m alone.The days await till I am…
From the look on your face, and the chains about your neck,I’m willing to bet you’re a prized possession. Just give it up.Just give…
Fear love.A failure to nothing but an empty shape.We collide and we’re dead on. Are you tired enough?I think I hurt your head enough.Bruising…
I’m staring at the cracks, and all the lines you wrote to get me home.It’s not over yet;I’ll speak the same until it breaks…